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Local Insights Egypt

Knowing the right places to see, eat, and stay can be helpful on any trip. Sometimes there's a need for more local insights like a driver who is experienced traversing the desert or a guide who actually knows how to read hieroglyphics and happens to be writing a Ph.D. on the sites that are on the itinerary.  


Our main man Omar

Deadly serious about his knowledge. An expert in Upper Egyptian cultural history. After three days we were able to read the hieroglyphics on the walls and tombs ourselves. Omar Haridi kept us engaged in the treasures around us with a firm hand. From finding untapped local gems to eat; to the quickest and least crowded routes and times to visit the temples. He is engaging, funny, and wicked pissa smaht. Egyptologist omar haridi +21097719749 Omar haridi @facebook

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The best driver

The road to Abu Simbal is 3 hours of dessert and police checkpoints. A wrong turn lands you on the Sudan border. Hamada Ashour drove swiftly but with control; did not take unnecessary chances; and knew most of the police at the checkpoints. Most importantly he knew where the best falafel and coffee stands were in every tiny village on the way. 

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Lets Talk Eats!

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The road to Abu Simbal is 3 hours of dessert and police checkpoints. A wrong turn lands you on the Sudan border. Hamada Ashour drove swiftly but with control; did not take unnecessary chances; and knew most of the police at the checkpoints. Most importantly he knew where the best falafel and coffee stands were in every tiny village on the way. 

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