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Image by ian dooley

Our Gear

Dreaming up itineraries and planning for a trip is the fun part so is the travel adventure itself. Airline weight and space restrictions; multiple climate changes; destination types, or just a variety of events can make packing an unfortunate burden of travel. Add in must-have safety equipment (helmet, dive gear,...); or must-have leisure gear (golf clubs, hiking equipment...); not to mention packing for animals, and packing becomes downright impossible.  

Ebook Reader

E Books and Guides

The local bartender is often the best source for must-see and does in a new area. Books are useful but take up valuable luggage space. Ebooks are a great second choice.

"Books" Sign
Image by Oziel Gómez

Travel Essentials

The world is small and more the same than different. However, there are some things that are useful to have from the get-go. Take a look here for some of our must-haves when we travel. 

Image by erica steeves
Image by ShareGrid

Camera Gear

For us, it's the cats and camera stuff that gets packed first. Everything else can be found along the way. Want to some inspiration check out our camera gear.

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